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Natural Aids and Food Choices

In many books and other thyroid resources, you will find the word “goitrogenic”. When a food is described as being goitrogenic, it is said to decrease the function of the thyroid gland’s output; therefore, if you have hypothyroidism, you should avoid the food. You must be careful with this generalization, as it is not true in all cases. I recommend that you monitor your body's response after eating such foods. If the food gives you a sluggish feeling, then avoid it; however, if you notice no effect, then it is acceptable for you to consume the food in moderation. Foods that are included on this list are: broccoli, cauliflower, peanuts and peanut butter, cabbage, millet, radishes, soy products, kale, watercress, brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, mustard, rutabaga, and turnips.
Note that taking your thyroid medication with soy products is not encouraged, as the soy tends to block absorption. Eating soy in general also needs to be moderated, as soy has been found to have estrogenic qualities. Altering your body’s estrogen levels also alters the other hormones of the body, including the thyroid function.
Iodine and tyrosine are substances that your thyroid gland needs from your diet. Iodine-rich foods include shellfish, ocean finfish (tuna and salmon), kelp, dulse, edible seaweed, onions, asparagus, some dairy products, and sea salt. Tyrosine, an essential amino acid, can be found in small amounts in soybeans (be leery of processing), chicken and other poultry, fish, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, avocados, bananas, lima beans, legumes and some dairy products.
You can also use supplements to support the thyroid function. A popular iodine supplement is called Iodoral: your dosage can be properly determined by completing the Metametrix Iodine Lab Test mentioned in Part 4 of the series. Tyrosine can also be taken in the form of a supplement. A company that produces a quality tyrosine supplement is Designs for Health. For questions regarding supplements, please feel free to contact Lea-Ann at 847-707-0847.

Rise of the Deadlift/Beast of the Bench 2013

Progressive Sports Training's annual "Rise of the Deadlift" and "Beast of the Bench" will be held October 19th, 2013 at 9:00AM. Find out more information about location, weigh-ins, rules, fees & more, and print out the payment form.

Rise of Deadlift

Events:   Deadlift Only, Bench Press Only or Ironman   Place:   Progressive Sports Performance 2775 Shermer Road Unit 110 Northbrook, IL 60062   Lifting Session:   Saturday October 20th, 2012 @ 10:00...

2012 Rising Star

Lea-Ann has been awarded Eastern Illinois University's 2012 Rising Star Award and will be honored at a banquet at EIU on March 28th.

APF Illinois State Championships!

March 23-24, 2012 APF/AAPF Illinois State Championships Download entry form here (pdf) Meet Directors: Erv Domanski - (847) 347-7569 or   ...
Working with PSP has changed my life!

"After a knee injury caused me to have surgery almost 2 years ago, I started working with PSP to help get back into shape. Since then, I have learned volumes about general fitness and clean eating. I am in the best shape of my life and feel great. I love the fact that, every time I go to PSP, I have a completely different workout, tailored to my specific needs and fitness goals. In addition, if my knee is bothering me again, or another event creates an injury (as when I fell down the stairs and hurt my shoulder), the coaches at PSP are ready with stretching and/or exercise suggestions to help the situation. They truly care about helping me to become the strongest and healthiest I can be. I recently competed in my first triathlon and finished with the best time I could have imagined, feeling strong and recovering easily."* Ann A. Winnetka, IL|Read More Testimonials